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How to set up substream handler mapping in subgraph.yaml?
I am seeking guidance on how to properly configure the new handler mapping functionality using substream in subgraph.yaml. I have attempted to follow the example provided in the repository (https://github.com/mangas/near-wasm-block/issues/1), but I am encountering compilation errors. Any help in understanding the correct setup would be greatly appreciated.
- The Graph
- GraphQL
- Subgraph
- Subgraph Studio
Câu trả lời
1Yes, I can provide more information on Substreams Powered Subgraphs. You can refer to the following section in the official documentation for a detailed explanation:
Defining a Substreams Powered Subgraph
This section will provide you with the necessary information and guidelines to understand and implement Substreams Powered Subgraphs effectively.
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The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data. The Graph makes it possible to query data that is difficult to query directly.